Thursday, October 24, 2013






A baghouse  or fabric filter  is an air pollution control device that removes particulates out of air or gas released from commercial processes or combustion for electricity generation.

Bag Filter/ Houses are often used to control the emission of pollutants in :

  • Power plants
  • steel mills
  • pharmaceutical producers
  • food manufacturers
  • chemical producers 
  • other industrial companies 
The bag houses for control emission of air pollutants came into widespread use in the late 1970s after the invention of high-temperature fabrics (for use in the filter media) capable of withstanding temperatures over 350°F.


Following  are the scientific procedure is adopted for designing of Bag Filters:
  • For calculating filtering area selection of filtering velocity is done from reference tables based on material properties.
  • This filtering velocity needs to be corrected to suit the actual operating conditions.Following four factors are considered.
1.Application Factor : It varies for oily,moist,agglomerating material and depending on continuous/intermittent operation. e.g.0.9 for heavy dust loads and continuous operation.
2.Temperature Factor: It varies as per gas stream temperature. e.g.1.0 for temperature upto 45 deg
3.Particle size factor : It depends on the particle size. e.g.0.8 for below 3 micron.
4.Dust load factor : It varies as per dust loading per volume of gas stream.e.g.1.2 for 10 or less grains/cu.ft.

  • In addition to the filteration velocity,consideration of "CAN VELOCITY" is critical while sizing bag filter. CAN VELOCITY is the velocity in the flow passages between the filter bags.
  • With high CAN VELOCITY,the dust particles,which have been cleaned off the bags,get re-entrained in the gas stream. This re-entrained dust gets re-deposited on the bags. This results in higher pressure drop and consequential deterioration in bag filter performance.
  • The CAN VELOCITY is selected based on the material,bag length. This decides the bag filter housing.
Unlike electrostatic precipitator where performance may vary significantly depending on process and electrical conditions, functioning baghouses typically have a particulate collection efficiency of 99% or better, even when particle size is very small.

Background information

Filtration, using cloth filter as media is one of the most reliable, efficient and
economic methods by which particulate matter can be removed from gaseous
streams. The theory of removal of particulate matter by a bag filter is not
thoroughly known. It is postulated that the initial deposition of particles takes
place through interception and impingement of the particles on the filter bags
because of combined activity due to diffusion, electrostatic attraction and gravity
A bag filter consists of numerous vertical bags of 120 to 400 mm diameter and 2
to 10 m long. They are suspended with open ends attached to a manifold. The
hopper at the bottom serves as a collector for the dust. The gas entering through
the inlet duct strikes a baffle plate, which causes the larger particles to fall due to
gravity. The carrier gas then flows to the tubes and then outward through the
fabric leaving the particulate matter as a cake on the bag surface.

 Efficiency during pre-coat formation is low but increases as the pre-coat (cake) is
formed. Once formed, the pre-coat forms part of the filtering medium that helps in
further removal of the particulate matter. The accumulation of dust increases the
air resistance of the filter media and therefore filter bags have to be periodically
cleaned. They are cleaned by rapping, shaking or vibration or by pulse jet or
reverse jet air flow, causing the filter cake to be loosened and to fall in the
hopper. The normal velocity at which the gas is passed through the bags is 0.4 to
1 m3/minute.
The efficiency of bag filters are affected by the following four main factors:
1. Filter ratios – Filter ratio is defined as the ratio of carrier gas volume to gross
filter area, per minute flow of gas.
2. Filter media – It is important to have filter media that are temperature
resistant, resistant to chemical attack and abrasion resistant.

3. Temperature – Fabric filters do not perform properly if the gas temperature  exceeds the upper withstand limit of the fabric material. Generally the upper temperature limit for bag filters is about 290oC. Another temperature related problem occurs when the stream contains a reactive gas like SO2 and SO3 that can form acid if the temperature in the bag filter falls below the dew point.
4. Bleeding – Bleeding is penetration of the fabric by the fine particles and can occur when the weave is too open or if the filter ratio is too high.

 Filter Cleaning

Following are the common methods of filter cleaning in a bag filter:
  •  Rapping
  • Shaking
  • Reverse air flow (back wash)
  •  Pulse jet
      The latest technology of cleaning is high pressure cleaning with pulse jets. In a pulse jet bag filter, periodically a jet of high pressure air is blasted down the inside of the bag which is supported internally by a wire frame. During the cleaning operation, the bag is collapsed on the frame because of the pressure of the gas being cleaned on the outside. When the bag is inflated, the dust cake is loosened and falls into the hopper below. The two important advantages of the method are, there are no moving parts and continuous cleaning is possible.
      It is
      Bag Filter with showing Duct
      not necessary to isolate an entire row or a compartment from service.
      In improved pulse jets, the only nozzle for passing compressed air above the bag
      is replaced by a venturi on the top of the bag so that all the air pressure is used
      to create a pressure wave down the inside of the bag. With this mechanism, even
      hygroscopic particles are removed but the disadvantage is due to high
      mechanical stress that can rupture the bags.
      Pulse jet bag filters were designed to operate at higher air to cloth ratio than
      other cleaning styles while handling the same volume of airflow in a small physical shape. Generally requiring less housing, the pulse jet filters relies on filter bags that hang vertically and are firmly held in place by clamps, snapbands or holddowns.
      When dust laden gas enters the system and comes in contact with the filters, the dust is collected on the outside surface. To clean the filters, a blast of compressed air is directed into the top opening of the filter. The air is supplied through a blowpipe which feed into venturies (to increase the velocity) located above each filter. The air blast creates a shockwave that causes the fabric to flex down the length of the filter. As the filter flexes, the dust cake fractures and dust falls into the hopper below. The cleaning frequency and cycle for the pulse jet system is critical for maximum efficiency and is set by an adjustable timer to ensure proper cleaning. Pulse jet cleaning requires no moving parts, cleans on demand.

      Bag House in Steel Plant


      A comparison between low ratio bag filters and high ratio bag filters has been
      drawn and shown below.

       The advantages & disadvantages of high ratio bag filter are as follows:
      1. More compact design due to higher filter velocities
      2. On-line cleaning of bags, compartment isolation not needed
      3. Bags and cage replacement from the clean air side of the unit.
      4. Operating temperature limited by synthetic filter media
      5. Bag cage required for every bag
      6. Limited bag length (upto 8 m)
      7. Bag life less than reverse gas type low ratio filter.

      The advantages & disadvantages of low ratio bag filter are as follows:
      1. Use of woven fiber glass media up to 450o F
      2. Bag length up to 36 feet
      3. Increased bag life compared to high ratio
      4. Larger ground space required
      5. Off-line cleaning necessary
      6. Increased capital cost

       The general arrangement of bag filter based on low ratio design and high ratio
      design is shown in figure

      Working Principle of Bag Filter:


      Filter Media
      While selecting the filter media for bag filters, the following characteristics of the
      carrier gas needs to be considered.

      • Carrier gas temperature
      •  Carrier gas composition
      •  Carrier gas flow rate
      • Size, shape and concentration of dust particles in the carrier gas.

      As for the fabric concerned, its abrasion resistance, chemical resistance, tensile
      strength and permeability needs to be considered. The physical properties of
      some common fabrics are shown below.

       Operating temperature 0C is maximum continuous, tensile strength in kg/cm2
      The summary of various filter media that are applied in bag filter is given below.


             1.Tallawara Power Station

                The first medium pressure pulse jet type bag filter was installed on oneunit of 30 MW boiler at Tallawarra Power station in 1982 (by ABB Alstom and named Optipulse filter). The bag filter contained 648 acrylic bags. The pulse jet bag filter uses a medium pressure (200-500 kPa) pulsing system to clean the bags. This optipulse system feature large, fast opeing pulse valves and an air distribution system to the bags of much larger diameter than those normally used on conventional high pressure pulse systems.This is done in order to minimise pressure losses. No venturi is used at the top of the bag so that in combination with the air distribution system, the pulse energy generated by the fast acting valve is not dissipated,allowing effective pulsing of long filter bags. The optipulse features a unique gas distribution system. In earlier pulse jet filters, dust laden gas enters the bag filter via the hopper and risen upwards to the bags. In doing so, the dust cleaned off the bags during the on-line pulsing had to overcome the upward gas flow in order to settle in the hoppers for removal. This upward flow limited the length of bags which could be cleaned. In the optipulse system, gas enters the bag sideways across the bags, so that the gas flow is across and down, actually assisting removed dust to fall to the hopper.

                 2.Tennyson, Bulimb, Callide A

                 In Queensland, the Queensland Electricity Commission (QEC) placed order for installing bag filters in twenty eight boiler units at Tennyson, Bulimba and Callide Power stations, which were commissioned in 1983. At the time of placement of order, this was the largest air pollution control contract ever let in Australia. All bag filters were fitted with PTFE filter bags, some of which are still in operation today. The PTFE filter bags can sustain operation for 5 years but the cost was around US 130$ each in 1982. The boilers at Tennyson and Bulimba were of the stroker type, while the
      boilers at Callide fired pulverised coal. The bag filters on each 32 MW boiler unit at tennyson were fitted with 1080 filter bags 6 m long. The bag filters on each 16 MW boiler units at Bulimba were fitted with 714 filter bags 6 m long. The bag filters at Tennyson and Bulimba performed satisfactorily. The bag filters at four units of 30 MW boiler units at Callide power station did not perform well and the PTFE filter bags were unable to filter the fine ash particles generated from the power station. The resultant differential pressure was high and the fine ash particles migrated through the filter media. Following investigations, the problem was overcome by extending another 33% filter area to the existing one. Each of the 30 MW boiler unit 21 at callide power station was extended to contain 1440 filter bags 6 m long. The bag filters operated satisfactorily.

                 3.Munmorah Power Station, Unit 4

         In 1986, the ECNSW placed order for optipulse filter for the 350 MW pulverised coal fired unit 4 at Munmorah power station. The fabric filter was to be installed within the existing 4 gas path, 3 field ESP. the workscope included the supply of new goods and personnel elevator, ID
      fans, motors and silencers. He bag filter consist of eight separate compartments, each containing 1140 acrylic filter bags 7.2 m long, giving a total of 9120 bags and a filter velocity of 0.02 m/s. The emission level was 50 mg/Nm3 and the DP across the filter bags was 1.65 kPa. Each of the eight compartments can be isolated for servicing. The eight compartments were formed by adding a division wall along the centreline of each of the four ESP gas flows and modifying the inlet ducting system to allow the installation of additional inlet dampers. The entire outlet ducting system was replaced to accommodate new outlet dampers, silencers and ID fans. The plant was commissioned in 1988 and performed satisfactorily. The initial set of bags was replaced after 33,000 service hours, due to gradually rising DP limiting unit load. Less than 100 bags were found to be defective and replaced during the total service hours. There is no bag filter bypass and there was no noticeable effect from boiler start-up or shutdown. Boiler start-up and flame stabilisation at low load is done using light fuel oil having 1% minimum sulphur content. The boiler problems occurred
      during the life of bags includes number of incidents of tube leaks and a serious incident of flame out during start-up when 1000 litres of oil reached the bags. At this stage a white plume was visible at the stack top and oil could be seen running down the inside of the bag filter case. The bag filter experienced very high DP and the boiler was shut down. The plant was restarted with oil firing to heat the fabric filter and evaporate the oil, after which the unit was brought back to normal operation. Within three days there was no noticeable effect from the incident.

                     4.Liddel Power station Units 1 to 4

                          In 1989 ABB Alstom received an order from ECNSW to retrofit optipulse bag filters within the existing ESP on the four units of 500 MW boilers at Liddell power station. The existing ESP contained 5 gas paths each of 3 fields. The gas flows from primary to secondary air heaters were kept separate in order to avoid high resistivity part of the resistivity Vs temperature curve. The secondary gas stream was running at about 110oC and the primary gas stream at about 170oC. The scope for the project included the following parameters:

      •  Mixing the primary and secondary gas streams before the gas reached

      the bag filter Upgrading the ID fans by adding new impellers and

      • Supply of a compressed air system
      •  Supply of goods and personnel elevator
      •  Supply of all control systems and instrumentation necessary for the

                 operation of the plant

      •  Modifying the ash removal system.

      The bag filter for each boiler unit contained 14664 filter bags 8 m long.The bag filter contains five gas flows. The bag filter was installed during a 10 week outage. The bag filter operated satisfactorily and bags were replaced after 23,000 service hours. The bag replacement was
      necessitated by a gradual rise in DP and bag shrinkage. The shrinkage causes the bags to become tight on cages and reduces the effectiveness of the cleaning system.Shrinkage of acrylic filter bags in high ratio filters has become a major concern in recent years. Initially the filter material was fabricated using Dralon T fibre manufactured by Bayer-Germany. Now Bayer has stopped
      the manufacture of Dralon T. Therefore, alternative homopolymer acrylic materials are used.



      The Bag house used for the fume extraction in Steel Plant have very specific design considering all parameters used in processing of the steel.

      Most baghouses use long, cylindrical bags (or tubes) made of woven or felted fabric as a filter medium. (For applications where there is relatively low dust loading and gas temperatures are 250°F or less, pleated, nonwoven cartridges are sometimes used as filtering media instead of bags.).Dust-laden gas or air enters the baghouse through hoppers (large funnel-shaped containers used for storing and dispensing particulate) and is directed into the baghouse compartment. The gas is drawn through the bags, either on the inside or the outside depending on cleaning method, and a layer of dust accumulates on the filter media surface until air can no longer move through it. When sufficient pressure drop (delta P) occurs, the cleaning process begins. Cleaning can take place while the baghouse is online (filtering) or is offline (in isolation). When the compartment is clean, normal filtering resumes.
      Baghouses are very efficient particulate collectors because of the dust cake formed on the surface of the bags. The fabric provides a surface on which dust collects through the following four mechanisms:
      • Inertial collection - Dust particles strike the fibers placed perpendicular to the gas-flow direction instead of changing direction with the gas stream.
      • Interception - Particles that do not cross the fluid streamlines come in contact with fibers because of the fiber size.
      • Submicrometre particles are diffused, increasing the probability of contact between the particles and collecting surfaces.
      • Electrostatic forces - The presence of an electrostatic charge on the particles and the filter can increase dust capture.
      A combination of these mechanisms results in formation of the dust cake on the filter, which eventually increases the resistance to gas flow. The filter must be cleaned periodically.


      Blast Furnace Dioxin Flue Gas Filter
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      Cement kiln dust collection system
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      Fiberglass needle punched filter bags
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      Industrial Bag Filter
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      High temperature Fiber glass filter bag
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      High temperature Fiberglass needle felt Filter Bag
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      Normal temperature polyester water oil repellent filter
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      P84 Needle Felt Bag Dedust Filter Bag
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      Polyster Filter Felt PTFE Membrane
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      Saturday, October 19, 2013



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      BUS BAR Arrangement of 33 KV SWGR :

      Basic Electrical Engineering  Design questions and answers

      1.Why star delta starter is preferred with induction motor?

      Star delta starter is preferred with induction motor due to following reasons:
      • Starting current is reduced 3-4 times of the direct current due to which voltage drops and hence it causes less losses.
      • Star delta starter circuit comes in circuit first during starting of motor, which reduces voltage 3 times, that is why current also reduces up to 3 times and hence less motor burning is caused.
      • In addition, starting torque is increased and it prevents the damage of motor winding.

      2.State the difference between generator and alternator

      Generator and alternator are two devices, which converts mechanical energy into electrical energy. Both have the same principle of electromagnetic induction, the only difference is that their construction. Generator persists stationary magnetic field and rotating conductor which rolls on the armature with slip rings and brushes riding against each other, hence it converts the induced emf into dc current for external load whereas an alternator has a stationary armature and rotating magnetic field for high voltages but for low voltage output rotating armature and stationary magnetic field is used.

      3.Why AC systems are preferred over DC systems?

      Due to following reasons, AC systems are preferred over DC systems:
      a. It is easy to maintain and change the voltage of AC electricity for transmission and distribution.
      b. Plant cost for AC transmission (circuit breakers, transformers etc) is much lower than the equivalent DC transmission
      c. From power stations, AC is produced so it is better to use AC then DC instead of converting it.
      d. When a large fault occurs in a network, it is easier to interrupt in an AC system, as the sine wave current will naturally tend to zero at some point making the current easier to interrupt.

      4.How can you relate power engineering with electrical engineering?

      Power engineering is a sub division of electrical engineering. It deals with generation, transmission and distribution of energy in electrical form. Design of all power equipments also comes under power engineering. Power engineers may work on the design and maintenance of the power grid i.e. called on grid systems and they might work on off grid systems that are not connected to the system.

      MAIN BUS TO Breaker INCOMING connection arrangement

      5.What are the various kind of cables used for transmission?

      Cables, which are used for transmitting power, can be categorized in three forms:
      • Low-tension cables, which can transmit voltage upto 1000 volts.
      • High-tension cables can transmit voltage upto 23000 volts.
      • Super tension cables can transmit voltage 66 kV to 132 kV.

      6.Why back emf used for a dc motor? highlight its significance.

      The induced emf developed when the rotating conductors of the armature between the poles of magnet, in a DC motor, cut the magnetic flux, opposes the current flowing through the conductor, when the armature rotates, is called back emf. Its value depends upon the speed of rotation of the armature conductors. In starting, the value of back emf is zero.

      7.What is slip in an induction motor?

      Slip can be defined as the difference between the flux speed (Ns) and the rotor speed (N). Speed of the rotor of an induction motor is always less than its synchronous speed. It is usually expressed as a percentage of synchronous speed (Ns) and represented by the symbol ‘S’.

      8.Explain the application of storage batteries.

      Storage batteries are used for various purposes, some of the applications are mentioned below:
      • For the operation of protective devices and for emergency lighting at generating stations and substations.
      • For starting, ignition and lighting of automobiles, aircrafts etc.
      • For lighting on steam and diesel railways trains.
      • As a supply power source in telephone exchange, laboratories and broad casting stations.
      • For emergency lighting at hospitals, banks, rural areas where electricity supplies are not possible.

      9. Explain advantages of storage batteries

      Few advantages of storage batteries are mentioned below:
      • Most efficient form of storing energy portably.
      • Stored energy is available immediately because there is no lag of time for delivering the stored energy.
      • Reliable source for supply of energy.
      • The energy can be drawn at a fairly constant rate.

      CT arrangement: 

      10. What are the different methods for the starting of a synchronous motor.

      Starting methods: Synchronous motor can be started by the following two methods:
      • By means of an auxiliary motor: The rotor of a synchronous motor is rotated by auxiliary motor. Then rotor poles are excited due to which the rotor field is locked with the stator-revolving field and continuous rotation is obtained.
      • By providing damper winding: Here, bar conductors are embedded in the outer periphery of the rotor poles and are short-circuited with the short-circuiting rings at both sides. The machine is started as a squirrel cage induction motor first. When it picks up speed, excitation is given to the rotor and the rotor starts rotating continuously as the rotor field is locked with stator revolving field.

      11. Name the types of motors used in vacuum cleaners, phonographic appliances, vending machines, refrigerators, rolling mills, lathes, power factor improvement and cranes.

      Following motors are used: -
      • Vacuum cleaners- Universal motor.
      • Phonographic appliances – Hysteresis motor.
      • Vending machines – Shaded pole motor.
      • Refrigerators – Capacitor split phase motors.
      • Rolling mills – Cumulative motors.
      • Lathes – DC shunt motors.
      • Power factor improvement – Synchronous motors.

      12. State Thevenin’s Theorem:

      According to thevenin’s theorem, the current flowing through a load resistance
      Connected across any two terminals of a linear active bilateral network is the ratio open circuit voltage (i.e. the voltage across the two terminals when RL is removed) and sum of load resistance and internal resistance of the network. It is given by Voc / (Ri + RL).

      CT back end & Outgoing cable connection from CTs:

      13. State Norton’s Theorem

      The Norton’s theorem explains the fact that there are two terminals and they are as follows:
      • One is terminal active network containing voltage sources
      • Another is the resistance that is viewed from the output terminals. The output terminals are equivalent to the constant source of current and it allows giving the parallel resistance.
      The Norton’s theorem also explains about the constant current that is equal to the current of the short circuit placed across the terminals. The parallel resistance of the network can be viewed from the open circuit terminals when all the voltage and current sources are removed and replaced by the internal resistance.

      14. State Maximum power transfer theorem

      The Maximum power transfer theorem explains about the load that a resistance will extract from the network. This includes the maximum power from the network and in this case the load resistance is being is equal to the resistance of the network and it also allows the resistance to be equal to the resistance of the network. This resistance can be viewed by the output terminals and the energy sources can be removed by leaving the internal resistance behind.

      GAP for Cable Laying:

      15. Explain different losses in a transformer.

      There are two types of losses occurring in transformer:
      • Constant losses or Iron losses: The losses that occur in the core are known as core losses or iron losses. Two types of iron losses are:
      o eddy current loss
      o Hysteresis loss.
      These losses depend upon the supply voltage, frequency, core material and its construction. As long as supply voltage and frequency is constant, these losses remain the same whether the transformer is loaded or not. These are also known as constant losses.
      • Variable losses or copper losses: when the transformer is loaded, current flows in primary and secondary windings, there is loss of electrical energy due to the resistance of the primary winding, and secondary winding and they are called variable losses. These losses depend upon the loading conditions of the transformers. Therefore, these losses are also called as variable losses.

      16. Explain different types of D.C motors? Give their applications

      Different type of DC motors and their applications are as follows:-
      • Shunt motors: It has a constant speed though its starting torque is not very high. Therefore, it is suitable for constant speed drive, where high starting torque is not required such as pumps, blowers, fan, lathe machines, tools, belt or chain conveyor etc.
      • Service motors: It has high starting torque & its speed is inversely proportional to the loading conditions i.e. when lightly loaded, the speed is high and when heavily loaded, it is low. Therefore, motor is used in lifts, cranes, traction work, coal loader and coal cutter in coalmines etc.
      • Compound motors: It also has high starting torque and variable speed. Its advantage is, it can run at NIL loads without any danger. This motor will therefore find its application in loads having high inertia load or requiring high intermittent torque such as elevators, conveyor, rolling mill, planes, presses, shears and punches, coal cutter and winding machines etc.

      17. Explain the process of commutation in a dc machine. Explain what are inter-poles and why they are required in a dc machine.

      Commutation: It is phenomenon when an armature coil moves under the influence of one pole- pair; it carries constant current in one direction. As the coil moves into the influence of the next pole- pair, the current in it must reverse. This reversal of current in a coil is called commutation. Several coils undergo commutation simultaneously. The reversal of current is opposed by the static coil emf and therefore must be aided in some fashion for smooth current reversal, which otherwise would result in sparking at the brushes. The aiding emf is dynamically induced into the coils undergoing commutation by means of compoles or interpoles, which are series excited by the armature current. These are located in the interpolar region of the main poles and therefore influence the armature coils only when these undergo commutation.

      18. Comment on the working principle of operation of a single-phase transformer.

      Working principle of operation of a single-phase transformer can be explained as
      An AC supply passes through the primary winding, a current will start flowing in the primary winding. As a result, the flux is set. This flux is linked with primary and secondary windings. Hence, voltage is induced in both the windings. Now, when the load is connected to the secondary side, the current will start flowing in the load in the secondary winding, resulting in the flow of additional current in the secondary winding. Hence, according to Faraday’s laws of electromagnetic induction, emf will be induced in both the windings. The voltage induced in the primary winding is due to its self inductance and known as self induced emf and according to Lenze’s law it will oppose the cause i.e. supply voltage hence called as back emf. The voltage induced in secondary coil is known as mutually induced voltage. Hence, transformer works on the principle of electromagnetic induction.

      CT back end & Out going cable connection from CTs:

      19. Define the following terms:-

      • Reliability,
      • Maximum demand,
      • Reserve-generating capacity,
      • Availability (operational).

      Reliability: It is the capacity of the power system to serve all power demands without failure over long periods.
      Maximum Demand: It is maximum load demand required in a power station during a given period.
      Reserve generating capacity: Extra generation capacity installed to meet the need of scheduled downtimes for preventive maintenance is called reserve-generating capacity.
      Availability: As the percentage of the time a unit is available to produce power whether needed by the system or not.

      20. Mention the disadvantages of low power factor? How can it be improved?

      Disadvantages of low power factor:
      • Line losses are 1.57 times unity power factor.
      • Larger generators and transformers are required.
      • Low lagging power factor causes a large voltage drop, hence extra regulation equipment is required to keep voltage drop within prescribed limits.
      • Greater conductor size: To transmit or distribute a fixed amount of power at fixed voltage, the conductors will have to carry more current at low power factor. This requires a large conductor size.

      21. State the methods of improving power factor?

      Methods of improving power factor:
      • By connecting static capacitors in parallel with the load operating at lagging power factor.
      • A synchronous motor takes a leading current when over excited and therefore behaves like a capacitor.
      • By using phase advancers to improve the power factor of induction motors. It provides exciting ampere turns to the rotor circuit of the motor. By providing more ampere-turns than required, the induction motor can be made to operate on leading power factor like an overexcited synchronous motor.

      22. State the factors, for the choice of electrical system for an aero turbine.

      The choice of electrical system for an aero turbine is guided by three factors:
      • Type of electrical output: dc, variable- frequency ac, and constant- frequency ac.
      • Aero turbine rotational speed: constant speed with variable blade pitch, nearly constant speed with simpler pitch- changing mechanism or variable speed with fixed pitch blades.
      • Utilization of electrical energy output: in conjunction with battery or other form of storage, or interconnection with power grid.

      23. What are the advantages of VSCF wind electrical system?

      Advantages of VSCF wind electrical system are:
      • No complex pitch changing mechanism is needed.
      • Aero turbine always operates at maximum efficiency point.
      • Extra energy in the high wind speed region of the speed – duration curve can be extracted
      • Significant reduction in aerodynamic stresses, which are associated with constant – speed operation.

      24. Explain the terms real power, apparent power and reactive power for ac circuits and also the units used.

      • Real Power: It is the product of voltage, current and power factor i.e. P = V I cos j and basic unit of real power is watt. i.e. Expressed as W or kW.
      • Apparent power: It is the product of voltage and current. Apparent power = V I and basic unit of apparent power is volt- ampere. Expressed as VA or KVA.
      • Reactive Power: It is the product of voltage, current and sine of angle between the voltage and current i.e. Reactive power = voltage X current X sinj or Reactive power = V I sin j and has no other unit but expressed in VAR or KVAR.

      25. Define the following: Average demand, Maximum demand, Demand factor, Load factor.

      • Average Demand: the average power requirement during some specified period of time of considerable duration is called the average demand of installation.
      • Maximum Demand: The maximum demand of an installation is defined as the greatest of all the demand, which have occurred during a given period. It is measured accordingly to specifications, over a prescribed time interval during a certain period.
      • Demand Factor: It is defined as the ratio of actual maximum demand made by the load to the rating of the connected load.
      • Load Factor: It is defined as the ratio of the average power to the maximum demand.

      26. Explain forward resistance, static resistance and dynamic resistance of a pn junction diode.

      • Forward Resistance: Resistance offered in a diode circuit, when it is forward biased, is called forward-resistance.
      • DC or Static Resistance: DC resistance can be explained as the ratio of the dc-voltage across the diode to the direct current flowing through it.
      • AC or Dynamic Resistance: It can be defined as the reciprocal of the slope of the forward characteristic of the diode. It is the resistance offered by a diode to the changing forward current.

      27. How does Zener phenomenon differ from Avalanche breakdown?

      The phenomenon when the depletion region expands and the potential barrier increases leading to a very high electric field across the junction, due to which suddenly the reverse current increases under a very high reverse voltage is called Zener effect. Zener-breakdown or Avalanche breakdown may occur independently or both of these may occur simultaneously. Diode junctions that breakdown below 5v are caused by Zener Effect. Junctions that experience breakdown above 5v are caused by avalanche-effect. The Zener-breakdown occurs in heavily doped junctions, which produce narrow depletion layers. The avalanche breakdown occurs in lightly doped junctions, which produce wide depletion layers.

      28. Compare JFET’s and MOSFET’s.

      Comparison of JFET’s and MOSFET’s:
      • JFET’s can only be operated in the depletion mode whereas MOSFET’s can be operated in either depletion or in enhancement mode. In a JFET, if the gate is forward-biased, excess-carrier injunction occurs and the gate-current is substantial.
      • MOSFET’s have input impedance much higher than that of JFET’s. Thus is due to negligible small leakage current.
      • JFET’s have characteristic curves more flat than that of MOSFET is indicating a higher drain resistance.
      • When JFET is operated with a reverse-bias on the junction, the gate-current IG is larger than it would be in a comparable MOSFET.

      30. Explain thin film resistors and wire-wound resistors

      a. Thin film resistors- It is constructed as a thin film of resistive material is deposited on an insulating substrate. Desired results are obtained by either trimming the layer thickness or by cutting helical grooves of suitable pitch along its length. During this process, the value of the resistance is monitored closely and cutting of grooves is stopped as soon as the desired value of resistance is obtained.
      b. Wire wound resistors – length of wire wound around an insulating cylindrical core are known as wire wound resistors. These wires are made of materials such as Constantan and Manganin because of their high resistivity, and low temperature coefficients. The complete wire wound resistor is coated with an insulating material such as baked enamel

      31. What is a differential amplifier? Also, explain CMRR.

      Differential Amplifier: The amplifier, which is used to amplify the voltage difference between two input-lines neither of which is grounded, is called differential amplifier. This reduces the amount of noise injected into the amplifier, because any noise appearing simultaneously on both the input-terminals as the amplifying circuitry rejects it being a common mode signal.
      CMRR: It can be defined as the ratio of differential voltage-gain to common made voltage gain. If a differential amplifier is perfect, CMRR would be infinite because in that case common mode voltage gain would be zero.


      1. How grounding is different than earthings?
      2. What is diversity factor in electric installations?
      3. Explain Marx circuit.
      4. Why human body feel electric shock?
      5. What is the principal of motor?
      6. What is power factor?
      7. Should power factor be low or high?
      8. Difference between field rheostat and armature rheostat.
      9. Why field rheostat is kept in minimum position?
      10. Why armature rheostat is kept in maximum position?
      11. What is meant by derating factor?
      12. What is stiffness factor?
      13. What is the dependency of stiffness on load angle??
      14. What is 100% protection of generator? Why 100% is not used but 95% is generally used?
      15. What is the difference between a Verilog task and Verilog function?
      16. What is the unit of magnetic flux density?
      17. Why increase in current leads to increase in conductor temperature?
      18. How can a equal potential zone be carried out in conductors?
      19. What is essential to prove safe isolation of electrical circuit?
      20. What is the ratio of true power to apparent power in an AC circuit?
      21. What is power relay?
      22. Differentiate between power relay and reverse power relay.
      23. What is the suitable transmission voltage?
      24. What is the maximum operating temperature for a thermoplastic insulated cable?
      25. Explain the working of variable frequency transformer?
      26. Which oil can be used in transformer?
      27. What is excitation in case of DC motor?
      28. Why is the starting current high in DC motor?
      29. What is rotary phase converter?
      30. Differentiate between digital phase converter and ordinary phase converter.
      31. What is knee point voltage?
      32. List the advantages of star-delta starter with induction motor?
      33. Which type of transformer is used for lighting loads?
      34. What is star-delta transformer?

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